Keep Your Jewels Forever New

While our jewelry was created to last a lifetime, there are some factors that can contribute to the everyday wear and tear of your fine jewelry.

Because of the high value and rarity of certain jewelry, some people like to store their jewelry in a safe when not in use. If you have individual gemstones, a soft pouch is good for keeping them from coming in contact with other hard surfaces. Store silver jewelry in a cool, dry place, preferably in a soft piece of felt or cloth. Ask one of our sales representatives about getting a jewelry box for all your valued treasures. If you would like to have your jewelry professionally cleaned, bring it into Jodhamal Jewelers and we will have your jewelry looking shiny and new!

Gold Jewellery Care

Most of the jewellery is made of Gold. Although it comes in various purity, but the procedure to clean it remains the same.

  • Gold jewellery should be removed before shower. This is because soap can cause a film to form on gold jewellery, making it appear dull and dirty.
  • You will find many cleaners available in the market to clean your gold jewellery at home. Soft cloth is a good option.
  • Avoid chlorine, as it is disastrous. At high temperatures, it can permanently damage or discolor your gold jewellery. Do not wear gold jewellery while using chlorine bleach or while in a pool or hot tub.
  • You can remove tarnish by using soap and water mixed with a few drops of ammonia. Carefully brush with a soft bristle brush. After the brushing, simply rinse with lukewarm water and allow drying.
  • You can remove tarnish by using soap and water mixed with a few drops of ammonia. Carefully brush with a soft bristle brush. After the brushing, simply rinse with lukewarm water and allow drying.
  • Grease can be removed from gold jewellery by dipping the jewellery into plain rubbing alcohol.

Diamond Jewellery Care

Diamonds are tough but they aren’t indestructible. Below suggestion will help you to clean and care for your diamond.

  • Never wear your diamond while doing rough or hard work.
  • Chlorine can damage and discolor your diamond jewellery. Keep your diamond away from chlorine bleach or other household chemicals. You should also remove your diamond jewellery before entering a chlorinated pool or hot tub.
  • Clean your diamonds regularly using jewellery cleaner, a mix of ammonia and water, or a mild detergent. Dip the jewellery into the solution and use a soft brush to wipe dust or dirt from under the setting.
  • Avoid touching your clean diamonds with your fingers. Handle clean jewellery by its edges.

Polki & Kundan Jewellery Care

Outshining through time and history, Indian Kundan jewelry has not remained just a craft but transformed into art – both in design and workmanship. One of the oldest forms of jewelry making, the purest and softest gold is hammered into fine sheets and mounded around diamonds and gemstones.

Kundan or Polki jewelry remains safe when kept away from moisture because these are super prone to moisture and chances are if you keep them in velvet boxes provided by the jewelry they may not avoid moisture well enough and lose shine over time.

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